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Business Ideas: Turn a scooter into shop in only 50000, earn 30000 per months

Business Ideas: If you want to earn Rs 25,000-30,000 a month, then you should look for something else rather than a job on the internet. Here we will discuss one such unique business idea which requires only a scooter and a capital of Rs 50,000. You can not only earn Rs 25,000-30,000 a month but can also increase it a lot.

Turn a scooter into shop in only 50000, earn 30000 per months

First, understand what to do

You have to search for some things on the internet. Make a list of the best societies in your city. A list should be made of those institutions which have women. There are some active females in every colony. His activities are popular on social media. Listing only.

Then you need to compile a list of artificial jewelry wholesalers on the internet. Dozens of wholesalers are running online stores. You don't need to go to their place. An order must be made and it can be returned if you don't like it.

Now understand, what is a business plan

You must have understood from artificial jewelry that you are going to sell it not by setting up a shop but with innovative ideas. Artificial jewelry is available in the wholesale market for Rs 50 to Rs 500. You will have to organize some events daily for women in different societies or colonies. Small events like kitty parties. Will organize a contest and gift jewelry worth ₹ 50 as a prize.

With this, we will display the rest of our jewelry items there. Will add all women to my WhatsApp group. Will share my number. Bus business has started. Some jewelry will be sold on the spot but the biggest profit will be later.

The one who will call you when needed. If he can come to your house then it is best. Otherwise, you will go away with some variety in your scooter according to their demand.

Artificial jewelry is sold in the market for at least 3 times the price. A ₹ 250 necklace can easily be exchanged for ₹ 1000. Your choice should be according to your city. You can also rent artificial jewelry.

Once rented out, the cost of the jewelry is recovered. At least a display will be installed on one wall of the house. If the business grows, you can hire an assistant for events coordination. You can set up shop at all kinds of exhibitions and fairs held in the city.

The most important things to remember in this Business are:

  • You can find such a good collection on the internet.
  • The theme of the kitty party can also be found by searching the internet.
  • Presentation of artificial jewelry products.
  • And most importantly, the hosting of the event which you have to do yourself.

So what do you think to about these Business Ideas do let me know in the comment Because your opinions matter to me to research and bring more such new business ideas articles daily?

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